Monday, May 1, 2006

Lewis Peak Runoff = Waterfalls

Up until Saturday I had never seen any water flowing on a section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail I ride frequently in Ogden, but with the sudden warmup, the snow melt on Lewis Peak is coming down. This has created a couple different waterfalls, some right next to the trail which look really bad in my photos, and the water is discolored from all the sediment it picks up. I wanted to hike upstream to see if there was one huge waterfall coming down the massive cliffs that make up the face of Lewis Peak, but I was occupied with getting my ride in, so I passed it up. I couldn't help but do a ride up to where the lower falls were, and then trek on up the creek to find some bigger and better falls. It was rough. There's a trail that kind of disappears unless you know where to look, so I lost it and ended up making my way through the brush oak. It was rough, but it was worth it. The water cascades down several tiers falling off at different angles with each section. The light from the low sun was perfect for getting some good shots. On the way back down I stayed on the boulder scree for a good section, then made my way down to a dry section of the creekbed that is used as a trail. That was a lot easier.

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